Show Brooklyn Some Love

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6 Ways to Help Brooklyn Blossom This April

Tree-lined residential street basked in soft sunlight with parked cars on the side.

As our favorite borough thaws and we embrace the warmer weather, we’re exploring six ways to help Brooklyn blossom this spring, based on the advice of Chris Anderson, the long-time head and chief curator of the TED talk movement, in his new book, Infectious Generosity. “Be brave,” he says. “Give what you can, and then be absolutely amazed at what happens next.”

Shift Attention

Brooklyn born and raised physician Dr. Uché Blackstock’s acclaimed new book dives into her experiences as a Black doctor and serves a call to action to create a more equitable healthcare system for patients of color, particularly Black women. Join her on April 10th as she shares her story in conversation with Dr. Aletha Maybank at the Center for Brooklyn History. Missed it? You’ll be able to stream the conversation at CBH’s YouTube channel here.

Build Bridges

Gather ‘round a community dinner table and break bread with local refugee families for a night of connection and warm welcome! Hosted by New Neighbors Partnership, our newest Brooklynites will cook the main part of a meal, attendees will contribute side dishes, and everyone will share in learning and listening to each other’s stories.

Share Knowledge

University Open Air provides immigrant teachers, professors, and academics, who were trained outside of the U.S., an opportunity to share their knowledge with the public by welcoming students to enjoy free classes at the Center for Brooklyn History from April 19-21.

Enable Connections

There are so many great nonprofits doing vital work in our borough. Brooklyn Org’s nonprofit grantee directory features a wide range of local organizations addressing issues across our 12 issue areas. Browse our directory and learn about the on the ground changemakers doing work on the issues that mean the most to you.

Extend Hospitality

Show your generosity with the gift of time. As the weather gets nicer, spend some time outside giving back. There’s still time to part of our inaugural Brooklyn Org Volunteer Day on Saturday, April 13th at nonprofit projects across the borough!

Create Enchantment

This year, Brooklyn Org strives to be the magic for Brooklyn. Be part of something bigger and activate your BKO membership today!
