Judy Olivia Grant Legacy Fund

Judy Olivia Grant

Throughout her life, Judy Grant provided charity to women and children in need, in particular to women who were facing poverty and were survivors of abuse.

This fund was established to honor her life-long commitment by providing charitable donations to organizations focused on providing counseling, advocacy, services, and support to mothers and children facing poverty and to women and children who are survivors of abuse.

Give to the Judy Olivia Grant Legacy Fund


Donate By Mail

Please make checks payable to “Brooklyn Org” – note Judy Olivia Grant Legacy Fund in the memo section of the check. Mail checks to:

Brooklyn Org / Judy Olivia Grant Legacy Fund
Attn: Donor Services
80 Hanson Place, 5th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Additional Ways to Give

Please contact Donor Services at 718.480.7500 or email donorservices@brooklyn.org to discuss alternative methods of giving.


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