Older Adults
Older adults are vital to Brooklyn and deserve safe options to remain in their homes and neighborhoods

of older adults who live in Brooklyn are immigrants

The second largest population of older adults across the state is in Brooklyn – 15.6% of the borough

of food bank visitors in NYC are older adults
Our Approach
Even though Brooklyn has the second largest population of adults over the age of 65 out of any county in New York State, the needs of our borough’s elders are often overlooked. Brooklyn Org is dedicated to honoring older Brooklynites who have shaped our borough into what it is today by uplifting care-centered organizations who provide holistic health, social, and legal services to older adults while also preserving their self determination and decision making.
Our commitment to supporting elders is seeded with $10 million from two field of interest funds—CABS Community Foundation and the Fund for the Health & Integrity of Seniors—held permanently at Brooklyn Org.
Brooklyn Org’s community comes together to back the biggest issues affecting our borough through the work of vital nonprofits. Help us create change from the ground up.
Who We Back
- Access Justice Brooklyn
- Asian American Federation
- BloomAgainBklyn
- Breaking Ground
- Bridge Street Development Corporation
- Brooklyn Community Pride Center
- CABS Health Network
- CaringKind
- Council of Peoples Organization
- The Doula Program
- East New York Community Land Trust
- Expecting Relief
- Fifth Avenue Committee
- Heights and Hills
- Jews for Racial and Economic Justice
- LiveOn NY
- New York Communities Organizing Fund, Inc.
- Project: Cultivate Green
- Release Aging People in Prison
- Unlock NYC

Working In Partnership With