Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast returns February 25, 2025 at our new venue—the Barclays Center!
We hope you will join us for this moving celebration of our borough’s nonprofit community and our newest $100,000 winners, taking place for the first time at the Barclays Center.
Deemed the most inspiring morning in Brooklyn, the event brings together nonprofit champions and leaders from across our borough to raise funds for this incredibly impactful program, and to hear the stories of the five newest winners of our $100,000 Brooklyn Org Spark Prize:
These outstanding nonprofits are at the forefront of advancing racial justice and addressing critical challenges in our communities.
Tickets are now sold out. Contact to be added to our wait list in case of additional availability.
Can't Attend? Show Your Support With A Donation

Sponsorship Opportunities
Your support will help us continue to invest in our vision for a more fair and just Brooklyn.
Learn more about our sponsorship opportunities below and purchase tickets and sponsorships here.
For any questions, please contact Cherish Carrillo at or call (212) 244-4880 x0.
Activist Sponsor - $2,500
Activist Sponsor Benefits
- Tickets for 2 guests
- Half-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Community Sponsor - $5,000
Community Sponsor Benefits
- Tickets for 4 guests
- Half-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Ignite Sponsor - $12,500
Ignite Sponsor Benefits
- Table for 10 guests
- Half-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Brilliant Sponsor - $25,000
Brilliant Sponsor Benefits
- One premium table for 10 guests
- Full-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Community Ticket Sponsor - $30,000
Community Ticket Sponsor Benefits
Sponsor the attendance of the Brooklyn Org Spark Prize winners’ leadership, the finalist, and the Spark Prize Committee members to attend the breakfast:
- One premium table for 10 guests
- Highlighted in messages to all complimentary ticketed guests, including the five winners, 15 finalists, and 40 committee members
- Full-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Recognition from the stage
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
- Featured in Brooklyn Org social media and newsletter
Radiant Sponsor - $50,000
Radiant Sponsor Benefits
- One premium table for 10 guests
- One pre-event social media post
- Logo / listing featured on Barclays Center Jumbotron
- Full-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Recognition from the stage
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Sparkler Sponsor - $100,000
Sparkler Sponsor Benefits:
- Sponsor one 2025 Brooklyn Org Spark Prize Winner. The Spark Prize recognizes and invests in local organizations at the forefront of racial and social justice.
- One premium table for 10 guests
- Logo/listing on the winner’s award (lead time dependent)
- Opportunity to present an award
- One BKO newsletter highlight
- Full-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- One pre-event social media post
- Logo/listing featured on Barclays Center Jumbotron
- Recognition from the stage
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Presenting Sponsor - $300,000
Presenting Sponsor Benefits:
- Underwrite the Brooklyn Org Spark Prize starting with the 2025 Breakfast, throughout the 2025-26 program and Breakfast in 2026. An opportunity to engage with the SPARK Prize committee and to learn more about the applicants.
- Listed as Presenting Sponsor in all BKO communications that refer to the Spark Prize from now through March 2026
- Two premium location tables for 20 guests at the 2025 and 2026 Breakfasts
- Opportunity to speak at Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast in 2025 and 2026
- Logo/listing featured on Barclays Center Jumbotron at the 2025 and 2026 Breakfasts
- Full-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Opportunity to speak with the SPARK Committee
- Opportunity to place participants on the SPARK Committee for 2026
- Two pre-event social media posts
- One BKO Newsletter “Sponsor Highlight” per year
- Banner at Registration Area
- Activation site near Registration Area
- Recognition from the stage
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Rise and Shine Underwriter - $2,500 (SOLD OUT)
Rise and Shine Sponsor Benefits
- Tickets for 2 guests
- Full-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Logo on signage at the coffee/tea station
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Centerpiece Underwriter - $5,000 (SOLD OUT)
Centerpiece Sponsor Benefits
- Tickets for 2 guests
- Half-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Logo on centerpieces at 40 event tables
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Jumbotron Underwriter - $10,000 (SOLD OUT)
Jumbotron Sponsor Benefits
- Tickets for 5 guests
- Logo featured on Barclays Center Jumbotron
- Full-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Swag Underwriter - $15,000
Swag Sponsor Benefits
- Tickets for 5 guests
- Full-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Recognition from the stage
- Logo on a hang tag or sticker
- Logo on signage at the merch table
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
Winner Spotlight Underwriter - $30,000
Winner Spotlight Sponsor Benefits
Brooklyn Org creates a 90 second spotlight video for each of the five prize winners to be shown at the Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast. These videos highlight the work of the organization and impact of the Brooklyn Org Spark Prize.
- One premium table for 10 guests
- Recognition from the stage
- Full-screen ad in Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast digital journal
- Logo/listing credit at the end of the video
- Logo/listing in event landing web page and print, online and media communications
- Featured in Brooklyn Org social media and newsletter