Our Donors
Brooklyn Backs Brooklyn
From monthly donations to Donor Advised Funds, Brooklyn Org supporters are champions for our communities

Our work would not be possible without the generosity and commitment of you—our donor partners. Our impact is only as strong as the collective that we build together. From long-term philanthropists to first-time givers, we have a community of donors that meets our goal of democratizing philanthropy and giving every Brooklynite a seat at the table.
From Brooklyn Org members to Donor Advisors, our community shows what it looks like when Brooklyn backs Brooklyn. We can work with you to provide tools to meaningfully engage with the most pressing issues that our communities face.
So, whether you’ve given $50 or $50,000, we greatly appreciate your trust in Brooklyn Org to put your money to work in the most effective way possible. And thank you for coming to our webinars, events, and site visits and for being a part of the foundation of our future.
Discover how easy it is to give back to Brooklyn

Our Donors
Our Family of Funds
Anonymous (23)
1065 Atlantic Community Impact Fund*
1834 Project ‡
Akintayo Holder Fund
Albert Vann Legacy Scholarship Fund °
Allinbklyn ‡
Amelia & James Wilson Family Fund
Andrew Kimball Sarah Williams Fund
Barbara Edwards Delsman and Alan M. Delsman Fund
Beacon Giving Group ‡
Becker Family Fund
Bee Raw-Save the Bees
Black Art Futures Fund
The Brock McGill Foundation
Brooklyn Ballet Fund★
Brooklyn Branches Giving Circle ‡
Brooklyn Dream Network
Brooklyn Empower Fund★
Buckholz / Fontaine Fund
Bunchberry Fund
Carson Family Fund
Christopher P. Santoro Scholarship Fund °
College Opportunity Fund
Constance L. Christensen Fund
D13 Partnerships Fund
Darrow Family Fund
David Alexander Scott Memorial Fund
E.K.P. Bettridge Fund
Eberly Wallace Family Fund
Empowering Venerable Achievement Fund °
Etsy Impact Fund*
Etsy Uplift Fund*
Fellerath Goodwin Fund
Fishman Family Fund
Four Oaks Brooklyn
Frankie Morris-Perez Memorial Scholarship Fund °
Frosenblumin Fund
Gail Erickson and Christa Rice Donor Advised Fund
Gasteyer-McKittrick Family Fund
George and Mary Memorial Fund
Giraffe Fund
Goldman Sachs Commodities Giving Circle ‡
Griffiths Family Fund
The Grace Fund °
The Gratitude Fund
Gueron-Strickland Family Fund
Hammond Family Scholarship Fund
Harris Youngelson Charitable Fund
Hinton Phillips Family Fund
The Ichigo Charitable Fund
Island in the Sun Fund
Jesse and Wendy’s “Neighbor To My Neighbors” Educational Advancement Scholarship
Jessie Streich-Kest Memorial Fund °
Joel Herzig Memorial Fund °
John Raskin and Eric Schneider Fund
Joseph Mohbat Memorial Fund °
Judy and Henri Gueron Family Fund
Judy Olivia Grant Legacy Fund °
The Kaye Family Charitable Fund °
Kirven Family Fund
Lasting Memories Fund °
Levitt Foundation Donor Advised Fund
The Lipsky Family Donation Fund
Mamie and Justin Stewart Family Fund
Marti Family Fund
The Meyer-Minoff Family Fund
Miles Ahead Fund
Murtala Tunde Balogun Foundation *
Nicholas “Nico” Isaac Memorial Fund °
The Pasta Rose Scholarship °
Pelican Foundation for Creative Education °
Prober-Hughes Family Fund
Quincy and Nia Fund
The Rainey Scholarship Fund
Raymond J. Rue Memorial Scholarship
The Reeves-Walker Fund
The Richard and Barbara Moore Family Foundation, Inc.
Roney Liu Brooklyn Impact Fund
Rossman Family Fund
San Filippo DAF
Schwartz Family Foundation
The Scout Fund
Serescitos Fund
Shaheen Rushd & Jeremy Silverman Family Fund
Snowy Day Fund
Stanford GSB Alumni for Black Lives
Stirrup Family Fund
Stone Wenk Cashion Family Fund
Susan and Peter Restler
Taylor Marriott Family Fund
Thigpen Hill Family Fund
Timothy & Nicholle Simons Family Charitable Fund
TJFJ Fund for Children
Urban Youth Activist Fund*
Wayne S. Mackie Memorial Fund °
We Ride at Dawn
Whoriskey Donor Advised Fund
Yatrakis Family Fund
Field of Interest Funds
A Better Brooklyn Fund
CABS Community Foundation
Congregational Home Legacy Fund
The Fund for the Health and Integrity of Seniors
Board Designated Endowed Funds
Cecilia Clarke Fund for Nonprofit Leaders
Fishman Family Fund for Economic Opportunity
* Corporate Advised Fund
‡ Giving Circle
° Memorial / Tribute Fund
★ Nonprofit Fund
Unless otherwise designated, this list reflects Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) active as of February 7, 2024.
Please contact our Donor Services team with any corrections at donorservices@brooklyn.org.
Foundation Supporters
Anonymous (7)
Adele Bernhard – Peter Neufeld Family Fund
Amelia & James Wilson Family Fund
Barbara Edwards Delsman and Alan M. Delsman Fund
Boger Family Foundation
The Callon Family Fund
Carson Family Fund
The Chase & Stephanie Coleman Foundation
Coleman Family Charitable Foundation
College Opportunity Fund
Cravens Foundation
Darrow Family Fund
The David & Karen Tayeh
FundDawn Fund
DeLaCour Family Foundation
Donald A. Pels Charitable Trust
Edward S. Moore Family Foundation
Elma Philanthropies
Eric P. & Evelyn E. Newman Foundation
The Family Associates Inc.Fund
The Frank Pace, Jr. Foundation Inc.
Fund for the City of New York
Gillespie Glant Family Fund
Giraffe Fund
Grace J. Fippinger Foundation
The Gratitude Fund
Gueron-Strickland Family Fund
Guttman Giving Fund
Hank and Karoly Gutman Charitable Trust
Hinton Phillips Family Fund
The Ichigo Foundation
Jager Family Philanthropic Fund
The Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation Social Justice Fund
Kirven Family Fund
Kitchings Family Foundation
LeBlanc Family Fund
Magic Pebble Fund
Mamie and Justin Stewart Family Fund
Margulf Foundation
Marti Family Fund
Mary J. Hutchins Foundation
The Meyer-Minoff Family Fund
The Moore Family Fund for Brooklyn
The Morris and Alma Schapiro Fund
Mother New York
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation
Neighborhood Technical Assistance Clinic
Network for Good
The New York Community Trust
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Nonprofit New York
The Panaphil Foundation
Pledgeling Foundation
The Prism Fund
Queens Community House
Restless Fund
Roney Liu Brooklyn Impact Fund
The Scout Fund
The Seedworks Fund
Shoates Family Charitable Fund
Sills Family Foundation
Stardust Fund
Susan Beth Salo Foundation
Taylor Marriott Family Fund
UJA-Federation of New York
Ventress Family Foundation
The Warburg Pincus Foundation*
Yemeni American Merchants Association
Corporate Supporters
BDT & Company*
Bennett Midland
Brooklyn Chamber Of Commerce
Brooklyn Navy Yard
Development Corporation
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
Cumberland Packing Corporation
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.*
Idlewild Partners
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
McKinsey & Company
Meridian Capital LLC
National Grid
NBC Universal
New York Knicks
NYU McSilver Institute
S&P Global*
Santander Bank
Schneps Media
Song Law
Sweet’N Low
Totem Brooklyn
Westfuller Advisors
*Employee Matching Program
Individuals and Families
Anonymous (85)
Leslie Abbey
Jaime Abbott
Nancy Abraham
Barry Abramson
June Adams
Rochelle and Hardy Adasko
Nawaaz Ahmed
Audrey L. Alleyne
Nakia Alston-Hendrickson
Christopher Angove
Dana Archer-Rosenthal
Jacob Arnold
Jesse Ash
Murad Awawdeh
Oluwatoyin Ayanfodun
Marshall Baca
Helene Banks and Michael Cioffi
Margaret Barnette
Charlotte Baynard
Sumner Becker
Alan Beller and Stephanie Neville
Antonia and David Belt
Aquiba Benarroch
Doris Bergman
Teddy Bergman and Anna Baryshnikov
Amanda Berman
Ana Bermudez
Roberto Bernasconi
Adele Bernhard andPeter Neufeld
Martha Berry and Curtis Cravens
Thomas Bettridge °
Raoul Bhavnani and Savitha Reddy
Jonathan Bines and Alexandra Jacobs
Molly Birnbaum
Gregg Bishop
Roslyn Biskin
Sofia Blanchard
Carol and John Blondel
Les Bluestone
Zachary Boger and Arielle DiGiacomo
Emily Boghossian
Aidan Bowie
Kelly Brandi
Thomas Bransford
Denise Bricker and Ken Crowley
Brendan Brits
Monique Brizz-Walker
Karen Brooks Hopkins
David Brown
Richard Brown
Ragnhild Bruland
Courtney Bryan and M. Thomas
Susan Buchsbaum and Jeffrey Gratz
Maria Buck
Andi Burnett
Lloyd Cambridge
Paul Campbell
Jing Cao
Demetrius Carolina
Francesca and Joshua Carson
Lesley Carson and Osman Akan
Madeline and Ed Carson
Salvatore Caruso
Eduardo Castell
Alison R. Castleman
Robert Catell★
Jonathan Charity
Rachel Chavkin
Isaac Chera
Jennifer Ching
Sarah Choh
Kendall Christiansen
Ashley Chung
Michael Ciccarone
Kylie Clancy
Kathryn Clarke
Lucina Clarke
Bevin and William Cline
Brendan Coburn
Raymond Codrington
Joseph Cohen
Juliette Cohen
Leah Cohen
Nancy Cohen
Ofer Cohen and Brooke Safford
Rebecca Cohen
Romy Cohen
Camille Cole and Benjamin F. Heidlage
Andrea Compton
Elena Conde
Alison Conn and Jordan Pollinger
Heather Considine Varian
Sharon Content
Jacqueline L. Cook
Brennen Cooke
Annie Coombs and Dave Algoso
Faith Corbett
Saundra and W. Don Cornwell
Collette Creppell
William Cruz
Robin Cullen
Lurie Daniel Favors and Brian Favors
Monique Darrisaw-Akil
Katharine° and Peter Darrow
Joan Davidson
Jay De La Cruz
Aaron Dean
Mark Dean
Michelle DeFossett° and Victor Banks
Willis DeLaCour and Sally Williams-Allen
Katharine and Rohit Desai★
Danielle Dettling
Lisa Diamond
Laura Dickerson
Laura W. Dillon
Kercena Dozier
Corinne Duffy and Daniel Levine
Gina Duncan
Victoria Dunning
Ilana G. Dzuba
Karen Edelman
Nanette S. Egerton
David Ehrenberg
Gail Erikson and Christa Rice
Joan Erskine
Debra Everett-Lane
Eliza and Jason Factor
Steve Fahrer and Monona Yin
Lilly Farhang
Janelle Farris
Jessica Feldman
Meg Fellerath and Seth Goodwin
Sophie and Andrew Ferrer
Rebecca Feuchtwanger
Leslie Findlen and Rich Wald
Anna Fink
Jeanne Donovan Fisher
Judith and Alan Fishman★
Bryan Flodmand
Lizanne Fontaine and Robert Buckholz
Blake and Andrew Foote
Timothy Forbes
Samantha Fox
Kathy Franklin
Brittney Fraser
Peter Frey
Alyssa Fronk
David Frutkoff
Peter Furci
Matthew Gadd
Martha Brice Gaillard
David Gaines
Jamel Gaines
Joan and Frederick Gardiner
Tara N. Gardner
Laurie Garrett
David Garza
Piera Gelardi
Kathleen and Edward Gentner
Ayesha George
Anat Gerstein
DeNora Getachew
Liza Gilbert and Shaun Donovan
Michael Gillespie° and Lauren Glant
MaryAnne Gilmartin
Debra-Ellen Glickstein
Amy Glosser and Janno Lieber
Michael Goering
Julia Goldstein
Gene Goldstein-Plesser
Lorna and David Goodrich
Evan Gourvitz
Colvin W. Grannum
Bernell Grier
Joann Griffin
Alice and Robin Griffiths
Maksim Grinberg
Bree Groff
Stephanie and Jason Gromek
Judith Gueron
Nicole Gueron° and Carter Strickland
Karoly and Henry B. Gutman
Jane Gutteridge
Elazar Guttman
Kristine Haag
Martha Haakmat and Stephen Warner
Steven Hakusa
Charles Hammond
Scott and Ellen Hand
Billy Hanson
Jeff Hao
Nina E. Harkrader
Christine Harper
Justine Harris and Jack Youngelson
Julia Hart
F.B. Harvey
Gary Hattem and Frazier Holloway
Jodi Hauptman and Gregory Clarick
Andree Hayum
Susan Hedges
Jessi Hempel and Frances Clayton
Anne D. Herrmann
Amy Herzig
Karen Heyman
Jennifer Highland
Ann C. Hill
Mary S. Hilles
Rachel Hines and Michael Cembalest
Amanda and Jarrett Hoffman
Yoomin Hong and David Werner Sexton
Meredith Hostetter and Anthony Newman
Linda Hoyes
Shari Hyman
Marcie Imberman
Patty Intrator
Lesleigh Irish-Underwood° and Frederick Underwood
Wanda Jackson
Wes Jackson
Hilary° and Edwin Jager
Joie Jager-Hyman
Zul° and Melissa Jamal
Anne January and Paul Van Horn
Archana Jayaram
Amanda and Matthew Jones
Dominique Jones
Nathaniel Jones
Jennifer Jones Austin and Shawn Austin
Jennifer Joyce
Michelle Juarez
Jennifer Justice
Alex Kagen
Julia Kahr
Chiwoniso Kaitano
Alice Kaltman
Melinda and Peter Kaminsky
Mamie Kanfer Stewart° and Justin Stewart
Kerri Kaplan
Rachel Karliner and Neil Binder
Rebecca and James Katz
Julie Kay
Celia Keenan-Bolger
Kathy Kermian-Leicht
Lawanna Kimbro °
Martha King
Deborah Kirschner
Lauren and Andy Klein
Liana Klippel
Abbe and Dan Klores
Helen Kogan
Robert Krasny
AiLun Ku
Emma Kurz
Diana and Jason Kyrwood
Martha LaBare
Carole Lalli
Gary Lambert
Glenn Lambert
Ephraim Lasar
Michael Laskawy
Stephanie Lavallato
Peter Lavorini
Dune Lawrence
Bonda Lee-Cunningham
Elizabeth Leggat
Lisa Lehman
Phyllis and Richard A. Lehrer
Dan Leibu
Traci Lester
Ilana and Joshua Levine
Margo Levine and Robert Cantor
Tanya Levy-Odom and Edward Odom
Benjamin Lewis
Micheline Lewis
Vivian Liao Korich° and Daniel Korich
Judith and Jonathan Lief
John Phillip Lipsky
Bobye List
Kenneth Litwack
Havana Rose Liu
Chi Loek
LaJwanne Louis
Patricia Lowry and John Touhey
Marvin and Lori Luis
Natalie M. McVeigh
Constance and Saverio F. Madeo
Jennifer Magida
Susan Maier
Sabrina Mallick
Andrew Malone
David Mandelbaum
Susan and Kenneth Mandelbaum
Jenna Mandel-Ricci
Jamie and Marty Markowitz
Carmela Marrocco
Harsha° and Meera Marti
Deborah Martin Owens
Jimena Martinez and Michael Hirschhorn
Teresa Mathew
Diane L. Max
Kyle McCabe
Lindsay and Emmett McCann
Ciara McCarthy
Pamela and Joseph McCarthy
Maureen McCarthy
Kevin McCaul
Ms. Lucia McCreery
Depelsha McGruder
Raymond McGuire
Susan McPherson
John Mealy
Norine Medas
Alison Melick and Duncan Kruse
Noa Meyer° and Edward Minoff
Sarah Min and Matthew Pincus
Alison Mixon
Sonali and Sanjay Mody
Bonne and John Mogulescu
Marji Molavi and John Rizio-Hamilton
Anne L. Moore
Casie Moore
Barbara and Richard Moore★
Simon Mosk-Aoyama
Linnea Mumma
Joshua Muss
Laurie Mutchnik Maurer and Stanley Maurer
Predrag Muzijevic
Maritza E. Myers
Emily Myerson
Bob Nakib
Gail Nayowith
Elizabeth Nellis
Taureen Newland
Ivy Newman
Amanda and Patrick Nichols
Erika Nijenhuis
David Nocenti
Miriam Nunberg
Alexander Nyren and Kimberly Rittberg
Tamara O’Flaherty
Maeve O’Connor
Charles O’Donnell
Janet and David Offensend
Katharine and Ryan Ogg
Noreen O’Loughlin
Kathryn O’Neal-Dunham
Michelle Onufrak
Benjamin Ortiz
Alice Owens
Naima Oyo
Paula Pace
Winston Paes
Julie Pardue
Frank Partnoy
Jack Pascarosa and Shari Berman
Anne Pasternak
Carolyn Paulus
Susan Peck
Randy Peers
Matias Pelenur
Jefferson Pestronk
Susan Peters
Christine Petrosky
Andi Phillips° and Paul Hinton
Elizabeth Phillips
Tanya Pierce
Steven Pilgrim
Blondel Pinnock
Rhonda Pirvulescu
Lindsay and Gabriel Pizzi
Jane Platt and T. Radey Johnson
Abigail Pohlman and Kenan Arkan
Chinita Pointer
Dee Poku
Deborah Polinsky
Maggie Popadiak
Michael Pope
Hope Pordy
Lise Porter and Arthur Matin
Ben Posel and Jessica Bauman
Melissa Prober
Travis Quinn
Philip Rackin
Jocelynne and Perry Rainey
Leela Ramnath
Megan Rand
Dana Raviv
Marcia and Kevin Reilly
Emily Reisbaum and Scott Medintz
Wendy Reitmeier
Sharon Rencher
Susan and Peter Restler
Arva Rice
Kenneth Richieri and Kathryn Obler
Susan and William Rifkin
Shyla Rivera
Samantha Roberts
Abitzel Robinson-Hobson
Elyse Rodriguez
Carley Roney° and David Liu
Anouk and Matthew Roose
Connie★ and Theodore Roosevelt
Michael Rose
Dan and Lisa Ross
Eliza and Jim Rossman
Amy and Greg Rowland
Shaheen Rushd° and Jeremy Silverman
Nicole Russell
Malcolm Rutter
Lynne Sachs and Mark Street
Halee Sage andDavid Friedman
Nancy Sands
Jillian Salyer and Jeffrey Lin
Connie° and John Sargent
Matt Sarno
Karin Satrom
Sunil Savkar
Brian Scanlan
Juanita Scarlett and Errol Louis
Edward Scarvalone and Hillary Weisman
Krista Scenna
Maxine Schaffer and Sharon Fay
Linda Schrank
Alexander Schultz and Zoë Pappis
Gabriel Schwartz★ and Jolie Curtsinger Schwartz
Omari Scott
Lee and Peter Scott
Margaret Shafer
Shiman Shan
Jenna Shapiro
Susan and Marshall Sharer
Alfred Sharpton
Lindsay D. and Brian Shea
Amy Sheehan
Carla Shen and Christopher Schott
Meredith Shepherd
Vishal° and Monica Sheth
Jake Shuster and Todd Elfman
Susan Siegel
Hildy Simmons★ and David Sprafkin
Timothy° and Nicholle Simons
Samuel Sittenfield
Adrian Smith
Alesha Smith
Patrick Snee
Mimi and Richard Somerby
Lisette Sosa-Dickson
Daniel Soyer
Anne Spang
Rachel Spector
Soukeyna Spivey
Cary Stathopoulos
Kevin Stayton
Jennifer Stearns
Liane Stegmaier and Cole Downs
Richard Stegmaier
Jessica Steinke
Lisa Stenson Desamours
Maureen Kelley Stewart and Tom Stewart
Shelley Stewart III° and Rochelle Stewart
Karen St. Hilaire
Olivia Stone
Nan and Carter Strickland
Alexandre Stutzmann
Marc and Alexa Suskin
Clementine Swan
Sofie Syed
Hannah Tabor
Christa Tandana
Andrew Tarlow and Katherine Huling
Jillian Tate
Patricia Taylor
Susannah Taylor° and Phillip Marriott
Susan and Robert Teich
Saundra Thomas
Tupper Thomas
Aaliyah and Erwin Thompson
Michael Tiger and Carolyn Fast
Rabbi Rachel Timoner °
Jim A. Torrey
Jeremy Travis and Susan Herman
Judith Trenkner
Elias Trout
Kaya Turan
Patricia and Mitchell Udell
Seep Varma
Cary Vaughan and Herbert Eilberg
Andrew Vickers
Patricia Vigorita
Asiya Wadud
Meital Waibsnaider
Mordecai Walfish
Robyne Walker Murphy
Stephen Warnke and Susan Sommer
Heather Wathington
Thomas Weber
Maia Wechsler
Steven Weiner
Claudia and Edward Weissberg
Emily Welty
Carmencita Whonder° and Augustine Saylee
Susan and Neil Whoriskey
Kamy Wicoff and Matthew Kaplan
Stephanie Wilchfort
Tatiana Wilk
Kimberly and Daniel Williams
Sarah Williams° and Andrew Kimball
Lisa and Frank Wohl
Michael Wolfson
Michael Wolk
Sharon Wurtzel and Jeff Walker
Jessica Yager
Christina Yang
Shu Yang
Allison and Benjamin Yarrow
Isaac Zaur and Sarah Kaufman
Allan Zepeda
Zhi-Da Zhong
Lily Zhou
Mark Zimet
Barbara and Michael Zimmerman
° Brooklyn Org Board Member
★ Brooklyn org Trustee Emeritus
We value the support of each and every one of our donors.
For brevity, this list reflects all donors who contributed $100 or more to Brooklyn Org from July 1, 2022 to August 1, 2023. We make every effort to list names correctly and apologize for any errors or omissions.
Please contact our Donor Services team with any corrections at donorservices@brooklyn.org.