Make the American Dream a Reality for Immigrants

A group of people standing in line to get food from a street vendor in Bushwick at twilight.
A street vendor in Bushwick

Your support of Brooklyn Org helps make the American Dream a reality for immigrants across our borough through the powerful work of nonprofit changemakers like the Street Vendor Project.

Join our movement by making a donation to help your neighbors across Brooklyn. At Brooklyn Org, we are dedicated to understanding our communities’ challenges and investing in solutions, from the ground up.

The street vendors’ communities are as diverse as New York City. With Brooklyn Org’s support, we have staff that speak the five main languages that are spoken within the vendor community. Mohamed Attia, Managing Director

From the Statue of Liberty to the yellow taxi cab, The Big Apple is rife with symbols that make our city instantly recognizable. One image that might not immediately come to mind – but is equally as iconic – is the food trucks that dot the busiest streets of New York, feeding everyone from Midtown workers to gastronomically curious tourists.

But despite their significant contributions to our city’s culinary landscape, street vendors are often not seen as real business owners.

A group of people holding signs in front of a tree.
Courtesy of Street Vendor Project

Our partners at the Street Vendor Project (SVP) are a voice for immigrant entrepreneurs across New York City to ensure they are involved in the policies and rules that govern their businesses. Over the past two decades, SVP has gained a critical mass of almost 3,000 members determined to bring about community-driven legislative change.

This is a movement for Brooklyn—and Brooklyn needs you. Give today.

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