2023 By the Numbers: Brooklyn Org’s Year In Review

A girl in a pink jacket is running on a sidewalk with chalk.
BKO Partner Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership

2023 was the start of a new chapter for Brooklyn Org – between our bold new strategic plan and our exciting new website, we left no stone unturned in our mission to help nonprofits make Brooklyn the best borough it can be. Even in the midst of this immense change, our grantmaking never took a back seat.

With your partnership, in 2023 Brooklyn Org distributed $21.1M to nonprofits, pushing our lifetime grantmaking to $113M since 2009! None of this would have been possible without our Brooklyn community’s unmatched generosity.

$21.1M was distributed to nonprofits in 2023

Brooklyn Org donors powered over $5M in grants to support the racial justice work of 120 local nonprofit partners, 38% of which are Black-led and 78% of which are BIPOC-led. Your support backed 29 organizations championing immigrant rights, 39 organizations bolstering health & well-being, 22 organizations cultivating arts & culture, and 26 organizations dedicated to civic engagement. You can learn more about the wide range of issue areas we’re now supporting with our funding.

Our donor-advised fund (DAF) holders distributed over $15.8M to 489 nonprofits – a 55% increase from 2022! Of these organizations, 288 are NYC-based, and 143 are right here in Brooklyn. And on GivingTuesday, we saw the true extent of Brooklyn’s magic: for the third year in a row, more than 4,000 donors gave over $1M to help power the work of 104 Brooklyn nonprofits.

78% of the 120 Brooklyn Org-backed nonprofits are BIPOC-led

We know that you’re with us every step of the way. Last year, over 1,100 of you came out to our signature events – the Brooklyn Org Spark Breakfast and Changemakers Ball – and our newer events, like the inaugural Just Brooklyn Prize ceremony and our screening of the film TILL at Congregation Beth Elohim. And nearly 100,000 people found us online and at our new home of brooklyn.org, which launched last October to serve as a hub for community events, storytelling, local issues, and so much more. In 2024, we can’t wait to be in community with you wherever you find connection and inspiration.

Brooklyn Org is proud to serve our borough in all the ways that we can. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to Brooklyn last year – we look forward to an even bigger and bolder 2024!
