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Two adults engage in conversation in a room full of people. One is holding a pen and the other a notebook. Other attendees can be seen talking and sitting in the background.

Brooklyn Org Nonprofit Leader Salon: Middle Managers in Programs or Fundraising (Oct.)

Brooklyn Org Nonprofit Training

Brooklyn Org's Office, 80 Hanson Place, 5th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11217
8:30 AM–10:00 AM EDT


Brooklyn Org is proud to present a special convening specifically for middle managers in programs or fundraising.

Leader salons are low-stakes, but high-connection gatherings bringing like-minded leaders together to grow deeper relationships across the nonprofit field. Held at BKO’s Main Office (now in Fort Greene) this salon is designed exclusively for middle managers in fundraising or programs. Specific titles may vary depending on the size, mission, and structure of your nonprofit, but middle managers are often:

  • Responsible for translating the org’s vision from senior leadership into an action plan
  • Critical for balancing between upper management visions and frontline workers actions
  • Leads a team of employees to push the org’s mission forward via day-to-day activities

There is a cap of 30 attendees for this salon.
