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Money Moves To Help Your Community

Tree-lined residential street basked in soft sunlight with parked cars on the side.
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

This summer, we’ve been busy meeting with our Brooklyn Org community, including donors and fund holders, to show Brooklyn some love. From giving regularly to local nonprofits or supporting Brooklyn Org directly, to attending BKO events, becoming a BKO member, following our news and updates, and spreading the word about our work to your friends, there are so many ways you can connect to your neighbors and the causes you care about with Brooklyn Org.

One of the ways we are proud to bring Brooklynites together is through our philanthropic advising and Donor Advised Fund program. If you already have a Donor Advised Fund at Brooklyn Org, you can understand why it’s such a popular tool to organize your family’s giving and serve as a springboard for different ways to make an impact in the borough and beyond. But if you’re a BKO supporter and have a DAF at a national financial institution, you might not know that you can transfer your Donor Advised Fund to be administered by Brooklyn Org, and have your giving go further for the community. Here’s the breakdown:

Brooklyn Org offers Donor Advised Fund holders the same tax and administrative benefits as any national financial institution, including:

  1. Online access to your fund to view balances, contributions, and grants
  2. A simple process for sending grants to your favorite charities
  3. Streamlined tax reporting, often represented by just one letter to provide to an accountant at tax time, even when your Donor Advised Fund is used to support dozens of individual charities throughout the year
  4. All back-office administration, tax receipts, recordkeeping, and other requirements for the Donor Advised Fund’s 501(c)(3) status
  5. Favorable tax-deductibility of contributions to the fund

However, unlike DAFs at standard national financial institutions, Brooklyn Org can offer you high-level, customized services, including:

  1. Concierge-level service by knowledgeable staff to structure estate gifts to charities and accept gifts of appreciated stock or complex assets such as real estate or closely-held stock
  2. In-house experts who have a finger on the pulse of community needs, the strengths of specific nonprofits, and how to structure giving for the highest possible community benefit
  3. Opportunities to collaborate with other donors who care about similar issues and forums to tap into local and national subject matter experts
  4. Opportunities to go deep into specific issue areas, both through education and hands-on involvement
  5. Family philanthropy and corporate giving services to foster a well-rounded, holistic approach to philanthropy
  6. Administrative fees support our racial justice work in the borough
  7. Hands-on assistance from local experts who understand both local and distant needs, and welcome the opportunity to research and identify causes aligned with your giving goals and priorities
  8. Staff that live in the community they serve, and often personally know the leaders and staff of grantee organizations — regularly hearing about local needs first-hand as they emerge

If you’re interested in moving your existing DAF with another provider to Brooklyn Org, or you’re just getting started on your fund journey, our team would love to talk to you about your options. With Brooklyn Org, you’ll receive the support you deserve to help maximize your impact on the causes and communities closest to your heart.

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