Brooklyn Eagle: Black History Month Emphasizes Resilience And Support For Brooklyn Service Orgs

In the News

Brooklyn Eagle Staff

Published In: Brooklyn Eagle

Local service organizations need support and community engagement. Massive federal cutbacks are proving to be great obstacles to local organizations that serve as the backbones of our communities, but Black History Month serves as a reminder of the ways that Brooklynites must constantly strengthen local organizations.

In a guest editorial for the Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Org President and CEO Jocelynne Rainey notes, “The path forward requires us to strengthen, not weaken, the organizations that serve as the backbone of our communities. Brooklyn Org will continue doing everything we can to help our borough succeed in that work. We will work to muster the support – from financial donors, from volunteers, in any way we can – to keep these organizations going through the difficult months and years ahead. We must protect their right to advocate, their ability to serve, and their role in building the kind of society where justice, equity and compassion guide our actions and shape our institutions.”
