Activate Your Giving On DAF Day


What Is DAF Day

DAF Day is here to change the way we think about giving through Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) and who uses them. On October 10th, 2024, nonprofits, fundraising platforms, and DAF providers are coming together to inspire millions of donors for a day of remarkable generosity.

Why It Matters

Research shows that using a DAF can nearly double what someone gives to the causes they care about (by 96%)! (1). Yet:

  • Too many DAF accounts go unused each year —37% of DAFs (2)
  • Most people don’t even know what DAFs are — 83% of U.S. adults (3)
  • Not enough nonprofits talk about DAFs in their outreach — 42% don’t mention them (4)

DAF Day aims to:

  • Encourage more people to use DAFs by creating a shared timeline, fostering a united movement, and offering an exciting experience.
  • Raise awareness about how valuable DAFs can be for both donors and nonprofits, helping more people maximize their giving.

How It Works

A collaborative network of nonprofits, fundraising platforms, and DAF providers is joining forces to motivate millions of donors for this special day of giving.

Everyone involved can visit to see how participation grows and build excitement for the day. Donors are encouraged to commit to making at least one gift through a DAF on DAF Day and set a goal for how much they want to give.

If you already have a fund with Brooklyn Org, you can make a grant recommendation on our online portal. If you’re just getting started and considering opening a fund, reach out to our team for support!

Give in Brooklyn and Beyond With a Brooklyn Org DAF

Get Started

Why Now?

We have solid research showing how beneficial DAFs are for donors and nonprofits, especially in today’s fundraising environment. With $230 billion already set aside for giving in DAFs (5), the potential impact of DAF Day is huge.



  1. The 2024 DAF Fundraising Report showed that when a donor starts using a DAF, it increases their giving to an organization they already supported by 96% per year.
  2. In the 2024 National Study on Donor Advised Funds by the DAF Research Collaborative found that 37% of DAF accounts go unused in a given year.
  3. A survey conducted by in March 2024 found that only 17% of US Adults know what a Donor Advised Fund is.
  4. The 2024 FreeWill Donor Advised Fund Survey found that 42% of nonprofit respondents are “not soliciting or promoting DAF gifts.”
  5. National Philanthropic Trust reports total DAF assets as of the end of 2022 of over $229 billion.
