Support Healing and Mental Health for Immigrants in Brooklyn

A group of people sitting around a table.
Courtesy of Global Trauma Research

While the American Dream is often painted as a hopeful endeavor, moving to a new country and losing cultural and social connections can be agonizing and destabilizing, making mental health support that much more critical.

At Brooklyn Org, we work hard to understand our neighbors’ challenges and invest in Brooklyn-born solutions, like Global Trauma Research, which provides counseling to recent immigrants navigating trauma and hardship.

Brooklyn Org has really helped us become a stronger organization through their unflinching support. When you reach out for assistance, they're always there to say, 'How can we help?' Dr. Florence Saint-Jean, Executive Director, Global Trauma Research

Brooklyn native Dr. Florence Saint-Jean founded Global Trauma Research to provide culturally responsive mental health support and education to immigrant communities. Her team also works with second-generation Brooklynites who are often the first in their family to consider therapy.

Being part of Brooklyn Org means that you are powering essential, life-changing nonprofits working in communities across the borough that are often overlooked and under-resourced.

This is a movement for Brooklyn—and Brooklyn needs you. Join us today by making a donation.

A group of people posing for a photo.
Global Trauma Research

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